Friday, May 2, 2008

Oh Happy May!

After months of deliberation, looking, often with bewilderment
at the wide choice of lenses on offer to improve the range
of my Digital Rebel, I opted for a Sigma zoom lens.

I couldn't be more pleased.

And just in time for Bud Burst.


David T. Macknet said...

yay! Which lens? My sigma is a 28-200 (non-digital, which means it's actually 1.6x that), plus it's a macro, so I can get really close.

Do tell!

Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

I think they are not dissimilar, insofar as the 70-300mm DG Apo Macro
has just what the name includes... a macro feature.

My head is in a total spin with all the novelty so I'll wait until I've settled a bit to make a post.

The title bar links to a discussion on the pros and cons of various similar lenses.

Thank you for showing such interest. Much appreciated.