Monday, November 8, 2010

I Have Thought About How to Make Sharp Photos...

from a moving vehicle.

The main tip is to shoot in manual, setting the exposure to at least 1/350 seconds.

Any photo taken at less than f8 will be a bit soft, but can be sharpened, if needed.

Setting the ISO last, not first, ensures balanced exposure.
It may mean that the final photo may be a bit grainy, but that is better than a dizzy blur.

There is a useful explanation of the science involved on a site
"A Sibilant Intake of Breath".
It's called "Try f/8".

Oh... and I almost forgot... I always use a sturdy travel tripod to keep the camera steady.


Peter Rozovsky said...

Thanks. Stupid question, perhaps, but do you shoot digitally? Does anyone still use film? I ask because I enjoy trying to work with my cheap, simple digital camera. I've sometimes had the urge to buy a digital camera that has all the features of old SLR, but I kind of enjoy the simplicty of what I use now.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

If you look back to the beginning of this blog, it pretty much tracks my efforts to learn photography.

I started with a Pentax MZ50 Film Slr but really got going with a Canon Digital Rebel.

I still like to use film, but it is relatively expensive and digital seems to have made me a bit lazy.

If you look at Davimack's comments on various posts, you will find some really good advice.

Certainly, I think a small digital camera is excellent... and it is less intimidating in a relaxed social setting, perhaps.

Unknown said...

tripod is definitely key