Sunday, March 20, 2011

All Keyed Up

Often, by mistake, I take over-exposed photos.
In very sunny situations, colours get bleached and one is left with outlines, like a fine water colour.

This can be useful for printing inexpensive photos, as so much less ink is used.

The differences between "over-exposure" and "high-key" are discussed in the link in the title bar.

Somehow, these photos have an other-worldly atmosphere.
I often use them when a small avatar is needed, as the images are less cluttered and stand out well.

Late Spring in Ireland


David T. Macknet said...

They do, indeed, provide an interesting effect. Personally, I go for high-contrast images, but that's just a preference.

Joe said...

It's a formula for multiplying perceptions of beauty, putting Ireland on the visual map in new ways...